Showing posts with label Wanderlust. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Wanderlust. Show all posts

Sunday 8 January 2017

Iceland is world's 'safest' vacation spot – Here’s why

 Iceland can be an ideal destination for your next holiday as it has been named as the world's safest vacation spot.

Based on the recently released Global Peace Index (GPI) ranking, the Institute for Economics and Peace charted the world's safest destinations, the Daily Mail reported.
Out of 163 countries considered, Iceland claimed the top spot for the sixth year running aided by its low murder rate and small population. The country spends 242million dollars on violence, which is substantially smaller than other places.
Denmark came in at number two, while Austria came third due to its low weapon imports and peaceful democracy.
New Zealand is rarely involved in international conflict making it prime for the fourth place on the index.
At number five Portugal has little domestic violence, a very high-security officials count and markedly low armament.
The Czech Republic, Switzerland, Canada and Japan made it to, sixth, seventh, eighth and ninth place, respectively. 

Saturday 7 January 2017

Have you heard of PINK lakes? Yes, they do exist!

We often associate blue with water but Mother Nature keeps throwing surprises at us as we discover her beauty and diversities. One such unique and rare nature’s creation lies is on the edge of Middle Island, off the south coast of Western Australia. Here, we are referring to Lake Hillier, a salt water lake that’s pink in colour.

Yes, the lake is pink in colour.
Scientists have not yet been able to fully understand the reason that makes this saline lake pink in appearance though it is considered to be so due to the presence of an organism named Dunaliella salina.
Spread over 600 meters, interestingly, Lake Hillier is not the only pink lake in the world.
Sadly, nature lovers and travel enthusiasts can only take an aerial view of this stunning water body as the lake cannot be visited, says
Check out the images below:

Sindhudurg: India's cleanest 'mini-paradise'

Bordered on the west by the bluish-green waters of the Arabian Sea and on the east by the lush green forests of the Western Ghats, Sindhudurg district in southwest coastal Maharashtra is a veritable tourist delight.

The district offers an equal measure of 30 sparkling beaches and big and small hill resorts -- including the famous Amboli -- scores of temples, festivals celebrated grandly, a salubrious climate virtually round-the-year, the typical Malvani style cuisine with emphasis on seafood, many "things to do" and friendly people.
Earlier this week, Sindhudurg suddenly shot into the national limelight after it was declared as "cleanest" district in the plains in the country, while Mandi in Himachal Pradesh claimed the honour in the hills section.
Though happy with the distinction achieved, the local administration shrugs at the honour almost nonchalantly.
"The people of the district have a very high civic sense and it has been historically doing well on the cleanliness front. There is good synergy between the people and the local government that has made cleanliness a habit rather than a compulsion," CEO of Sindhudurg Zilla Parishad Shekhar Singh, an IAS officer, told IANS.
He recalled how former CEO Anoop Kumar Yadav had first launched a mass movement on imbibing the spirit of cleanliness among the people way back in 2006.
Even earlier, in 2000, the then Rural Development Minister, the late R.R. Patil, had launched his pet scheme, the Sant Gadge Baba Village Sanitation Campaign (SGBVSC) -- later supported by Unicef -- in which Sindhudurg villages regularly come tops on several fronts, Singh said.
Sindhudurg Collector Uday Choudhary said it has been a long tough road and the success was not achieved overnight.
"Fortunately, the locals are highly tuned to hygiene and cleanliness and we were always leading in the SGBVSC. Of course, the real push came in the form of Prime Minister Narendra Modi's Swachch Bharat mission that spurred us to clear the last lap successfully and catapulted us to the national level," Choudhary told IANS.
The duo explained that a survey under the Gramin Swachh Survekshan since May this year measured overall cleanliness in all places, sanitation, water supply, open-defecation-free (ODF) communities and solid-liquid waste management practices. Sindhudurg became the state's first ODF district in April 2016.
The district's picturesque beach town, Vengurla, has set a new trend in solid-liquid waste management technique, Chaudhary said with pride.
"Its unique technique generates power for the solid-liquid waste management unit, the plastic part of the solid is used to build roads and rest is utilised as manure. Thus, there is no wastage even from the waste," Chaudhary smiled.
Local Congress MLA Nitesh N. Rane said the achievement is the outcome of the steps initiated by his father, Narayan T. Rane, when he was Chief Minister in 1999 and, today, Sindhudurg has the third highest per capita income of Rs 1,04,000 in the state, next only to Mumbai and Pune.
"He had started these efforts way back in 1999, sensitised the public on cleanliness and taken steps to improve the tourist infrastructure, which has now resulted in Sindhudurg being declared as the state's first Tourist District," Nitesh Rane told IANS.
However, he cautioned that it was not the time to rest on laurels. The government must now target the next level to make it the most preferred tourist destination and the new distinction (as the cleanest in the country) will hugely help.
As a step towards this, Rane last week introduced water sports and scuba-diving activities on the Sindhudurg beaches, enabling tourists to experience the rich underwater beauty, marine flora and fauna in the clear, cool waters -- where dolphins also abound.
Choudhary said it is the natural beauty of Sindhudurg that draws toursists. The district has 48 per cent forest cover, 30 pristine white-sand beaches, several hill and sea forts, tiny picturesque villages, lush plains and the coast -- apart from scores of big and small temples and, of course, the famous Malvani cuisine.
"From September 17 to October 2, we conduct our new campaign for clean beaches, 14 of which are extremely popular among tourists, including the five-km-long Kunkeshwar Beach," the collector said.
But to attract more tourists, only natural beauty would not suffice and the state government must take steps on priority to improve connectivity to Sindhudurg, Rane averred.
"The existing Mumbai-Goa Highway is extremely congested and accident-prone due to its sad condition, the Coastal Highway plans are still on paper and the proposed new airport nearby is languishing for the past three years," Rane said.
Sindhudurg is the convergence point for the northern-southern branches of the Western Ghats, a Unesco World Heritage Site, and abounds in rich flora and fauna. Amboli is the last hill station in Maharashtra before the ghats give way to the rolling plains of adjoining Goa and Karnataka.
The distict has seven major forts, including the Sindhudurg Fort standing on a tiny isle off the Malvan beach, hill forts and other sea forts, mostly constructed during the rise of the Maratha Empire founded by Chhatrapati Shivaji as part of the fortification of the entire Konkan region.

Five museums from India among top 25 in Asia: Report

 Five Indian museums feature among the best 25 in Asia while Leh's "Hall of Fame" has topped the India list as a "must-visit" place by travellers in a survey.

The other top four most rated museums of India are -- Bagore Ki Haveli (Udaipur), Victoria Memorial Hall (Kolkata), Salar Jung Museum (Hyderabad) and Jaisalmer War Museum (Jaisalmer).
Darshan Museum (Pune), Don Bosco Centre for Indigenous Cultures (Shillong), Heritage Transport Museum (Taoru), Siddhagiri Museum (Kolhapur), and Gandhi Smriti (New Delhi) also figure in the top-10 list for India.
TripAdvisor will honour the ranked museums with its Travellers' Choice awards.
The list was determined using an algorithm that took into account the quantity and quality of reviews and ratings for museums worldwide, gathered over a 12-month period, it said.
No museums from India feature in the top 25 world list, which is topped by the Metropolitan Museum of Art in the New York City and followed by Art Institute of Chicago, State Hermitage Museum and Winter Palace, Musee d'Orsay, Paris and National Museum of Anthropology, Mexico.
The Museum of Qin Terra-cotta Warriors and Horse in China topped the Asia list.
"Museums provide a passageway into the history and culture of a place and the Travellers' Choice awards for Museums are a ready reckoner for travellers keen to enrich their knowledge about the cities they travel to," said Nikhil Ganju, the company's country manager in India.

Are you on a soul discovery trip? Explore THESE spiritual getaways in India

 Whether you want to explore your spiritual side or go on a soul discovery trip, you can try going to Ladakh, Goa or Ajmer on a wanderlust.

Amit Agarwal, Senior Marketing Manager - India and Southeast Asia, online accommodation booking website, lists some destinations for spiritual getaways:
* Hemis Monastery, Ladakh: Hemis Monastery is the largest and richest Buddhist monastery in the Ladakh region. It features a famous collection of ancient statues, sacred thangkas, and various other artefacts. During the tourist season, it is often recommended to participate in the Hemis Spiritual Retreat run by the monks. 
* Basilica of Bom Jesus, Goa: This is one among the most famous churches in India. This church has been declared a world heritage site. Located in the beach city of Goa, the church is over 300 years old. 
*The church is said to hold the remains of St. Francis Xavier and the body is opened for public display at a particular time of the year. During this period, thousands of believers come to this church, which includes even foreign tourists. 
* Moinuddin Chisti, Ajmer: The place occupies a prominent place among the spiritual healers of the world. The dargah is named after a Muslim scholar. The essence of the values fêted in the dargah are truth, right conduct, peace, love and non-violence. 
* Rishikesh: Rishikesh is a popular place to meditate and relax. It is the place where one can learn about other aspects of Hinduism. Situated on the banks of the river Ganga, surrounded by hills on three sides and not far from Haridwar in Uttarakhand, Rishikesh lures those seeking knowledge and peace with its numerous ashrams and yoga institutes.

All you solo female travellers, be travel-ready with these tips

"The Wanderlust has lured me to the seven lonely seas.Has hurled me to the ends of all the earth."

Being a woman in a South Asian country is not the easiest of experiences, especially when it comes to moving about and discovering public places. While everyone wants to embark upon exciting trips, being a solo female traveller comes with its own special set of apprehensions.
Hence, Pushpa Bector, EVP, Head DLF Retail Malls has come up with some handy travel tips for exploring without any fears.
Firstly, put together a great playlist. Travelling alone as a girl can often be a cause of concern. Years and years of warnings tend to leave one feeling perpetually wary of rocking out on the streets.
Popping in those earphones and going out for long walks in scenic locations can really give one an exhilarating feeling of freedom- perfect for a solo vacation. Music, after all, has a way to charge us up and add to the holiday exuberance like little else does!
Secondly, take the road less travelled. Being creative and improvising are great methods to enhance the solo travelling experience. While researching extensively in advance and planning the trip well is a good idea, one should not feel too restricted by guidebooks. The history of the world features many tales of kings and explorers who have conquered and discovered.
Pen some new tales of your own- stories featuring the solo female wanderer. Indulge in the uncharted oral culture of your destination, by speaking to local women and asking for their opinion on interesting places to visit. You could even carry a little diary and maintain a travelogue.
Thirdly, don't be afraid to ask smart questions. It is advisable to develop familiarity with the public transport system of the place visited, especially in case the native language there is different than yours.
Yet it is also okay to get information while on one's feet- pleasantly pestering the hotel concierge, asking picnickers for tips- the resulting conversations are bound to be amusing, quirky and memorable. One clever conversation starter is to ask someone to take a picture of you, following it up with questions about the background of the shot.
Fourthly, have a flexible schedule. Holidays are, after all, occasions to loiter and feel free. Take your time as a single vacationer, and read or contemplate for long hours. Instead of trying to constantly distract yourself through activities or booking a day at the closest amusement park, visit a rare museum or make laughable sketches in the neighbourhood park.
Fifthly, try to travel light. Wheeling around luggage that is light enough for one energetic voyager is the best travel habit possible. Swap traditional clunky suitcases for a single trolley bag that does not need to be lifted. One can also carry an additional bag that carries all the necessary toiletries and doubles as a purse for outings.
Rolling clothes instead of folding saves space while packing- almost all hotels around the world offer ironing boards and services, and finding a laundry centre is easy enough as well. Another packing hack is to carry clothes that can be layered into a variety of combinations, reducing the number of items carried. Keep jewellery to a minimum or carry pieces in staple colours like silver that go with multiple outfits.
"Solo travelling is not about finding ways to enjoy things without friends, but about enjoying yourself. Going with your gut instincts makes for a great solo traveling experience which is safe, enjoyable, and incredibly rewarding," said Pushpa.

These magnificent photos will definitely make you want to visit West Bengal right now!

West Bengal is home to one of India's finest cultures. Every year, the state attracts many tourists from across the globe , all thanks to its magnificent culture and commendable hospitality.

Architecture, beaches, hills and wildlife: West Bengal is blessed with everything what a traveller always desires. Bollywood superstar Shah Rukh Khan is its brand ambassador and we can totally understand his love for the beautiful Bengal.
These pictures were posted on the social media by @TourismBengal Twitter handle and, oh boy, they all look magnificent enough to make you visit West Bengal, like ASAP. Have a look: 
Kalimpong Golf Course, Located enroute to the famous Durpin monastery, at a elevation of about 4000 feet & makes for ideal golf.
খোলা আকাশের সৌন্দর্য উপভোগ - দার্জিলিং
Enjoy the open sky beauty - Darjeeling
Mesmerising splendour of Sundraban মনোমুগ্ধকর অরূণ জ্যোতি সৌন্দর্য – সুন্দরবন   
Ever Green Dooars, the wild Dooars. Experience Bengal.... sweetest part of India.
The Kolkata Sky and River view from New Secretariat Building - the headquarter of Tourism Department.

Only in Bengal, unique in India, Calcutta Tram a heritage journey since 1873. No pollution.

7 Bollywood-Inspired Locations That Should Be On Your Bucket List For A Perfect Honeymoon

Bollywood is known for its larger-than-life portrayal of characters, but what is true in real and reel is the locations the movies are...

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