Showing posts with label Travle. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Travle. Show all posts

Thursday 22 December 2016

How well do you know Mount Everest??Find out here

One of the seven natural wonders of the world, Mount Everest, is the most desirable spot for every hike-lover. Adventurers dream to step at its peak at least once in their life. Nepal's biggest treasure Everest with the height 8,848 meters is the earth's highest mountain. The fascinating Himalaya witnessed the human ascent for the first time on 29 May 1953. Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norgay Sherpa are the two heroes who created history. 

Everest history includes many amazing records. 

1. The oldest person to reach Everest peak is 84-year-old, Yuichiro Miura of Japan.

Japanese alpinist Yuichiro successfully climbed the Everest at the age of 80 on 23 May 2013 with his physician son, Gota. Before this, he climbed the Everest in 2003 and 2008 as well. Yuichiro is listed in the Guinness Book of World Records.


2. Malavath Purna (India) is the youngest climber to reach the peak.

She scaled the Everest when she was 13 years and 11 months. Purna reached the peak on May 25, 2014. She belongs to a small tribal village and learned to climb during school days.

3. Arunima Sinha (India) is the first female amputee to climb Everest.

Arunima lost her leg after she was pushed from a moving train. In April 2011, while travelling to Delhi from Lucknow in Padmavati Express, looters pushed her out of the train to snatch her gold chain and bag.
Arunima is a former national volleyball and football player. She is inspired by Indian cricketer, Yuvraj Singh who successfully battled Cancer and thought of doing something big in life. She summited Everest peak on 21 May 2013 with prosthetic legs. Ramakrishna Mission raised funds and Nehru Institute of Mountaineering trained Arunima.

4. Traffic jam in Everest

Ralf Dujmovits (Germany) in 2012 captured a shocking photograph of hundreds of mountaineers who were jockeying for the position at the top. Large numbers of climbers climb Everest each year either to fulfil their hiking satisfaction or to hold a record. Ralf is the first German to climb the 14 mountains more than a height of 8km.

5. Height of pollution.

During long years of ascent, Everest witnessed huge garbage and trash spoiling its beauty. It dragged Nepal's attention and the cleaning campaign launched in 2010 with the help of Mountaineering Association. Tonnes of litter left at Everest collected during the expedition. The trash included corpses, remains of helicopters, oxygen bottles, cans, tents, etc.

6. 65 porters and 75 yaks were hired over two years to bring the trash down.

The authorities say around 50 tonnes of litter is left on Everest over the last 60 years. The photograph above shows members of Art Club sorting the trash.

7. Trash to treasure.

During 'Everest 8848 Art Project', eight tonnes of litter turned into 75 beautiful works of art. The art pieces were displayed in Nepal's capital Kathmandu.

8. The new policy says every climber has to return with 8 kilograms of litter. 

A climber leaves up to 18 pounds of wastage during a trek. Since the extreme collection of trash in the Everest emerged as the serious issue, the Nepal government has announced that every climber has to return with 8 kilograms of litter. Otherwise, they will be charged $4,000.

9. Each climber has to pay $65,000 (£41,000) in fees to the Nepali government.

Tourism plays a vital role in Nepal's economy. Everest climbing has turned commercial and Nepal charges the high amount of money to permit the climbers. One has to manage the money for commercial guides, porters, and other essential stuff as well.

10. The height of 8,000 meters is deadly; it's called the Death Zone.

Conquering Everest is not really an easy task. Climbers face chilling wind beyond 200 mph, ice collapse and health problems.


Saturday 17 December 2016

Adventurous Places Every Travel Freak Must Visit

Tired enough of work and planning for the holidays? Then check out these places around the world that are beautiful, adventurous and somewhat weird to watch out but, worth to visit.
Not only this, these places will make you excited to visit them when you will look at the pictures. As they are quite affordable enough that you can easily pay their rent and book one for yourself at Airbnb.
So, don't wait just have a look and plan your exciting holidays.

1) Small and compact house

As the name suggests, the house is small but quite neat and only £8 per night. Now that's what I call a bargain!

2) The floating home

If you are water lover, this is truly meant for you. The house that satisfies one's wish as if like he/she is living on a boat.


3) The mirror house

Wanna have an artistic living? Then this house is the best selection you can hire.

4) How about a bird island?

Adventurous, private island and that too at £252 per night. Isn't it terrific to hire a whole island for holidays? I guess it's not a bad deal.

5) A seashell

Wow! A beautiful, fairy tale house for the romantic couples to enjoy on their holidays.

6) A fancy treehouse

Who can ignore this? A treehouse to live for rejuvenating your childhood fantasy.

7) Church that too 200-year-old

Imagine your living in the restored 200-year-old church! Well, I guess it's pretty exciting to hire it quick for the holidays.

8) A surf van

If you are a hippy personality trust me, this is fully loaded van of the 70s that will let your spirit be free.

9) The cubehouse

Explore geometrical for yourself and take a close look at this house but, it's advisable not to check it out after getting drunk.

10) Boarding school with 60 bed

If you are with a large group of persons this boarding school will be the best option to rent. But, be fearless and try to be friendly with the ghosts. LOL!

Best And The Most Affordable Places To Travel This Winter

Summer holidays are too mainstream, so how about taking a break and escaping to get some warmth this winter? To satiate your wanderlust here are some free spirited in the budget travel destinations from around the world.
Binge in the sun with your soul in your backpack and check them out, because when it comes to traveling - once a year shouldn't really be enough and trust me, here is a world of reasons to make you believe that!
The Seychelles - East Africa

One of the most beautiful havens of about 115 islands, this place, is surreal beyond faith. This archipelago will not burn a huge hole in your pocket if planned wisely and at least a month or two prior. MahéLa DiguePraslin, and Victoria are the prime destinations with absolute divine and picturesque sights of beaches and amazing coral life for the ones who snorkel.

Puerto Plata - Dominican Republic 

The Caribbean has been on the hottest destinations for winters since time ever. Being the busiest in the month of January a trip to Caribbean might be little pricey but definitely not if you escape to this province of Dominican Republic - Puerto Plata where you can relish the nightlife, culture and luxury of the Caribbean at the most reasonable price. Also, it's a place to get away from the tourist crowd along with enjoying the finest travel experience.


Boracay Island - The Philippines 

Often cited for having one of the most beautiful beaches in the recent years, this tiny island is a mixed bag of everything that a traveler seeks. From the tranquillity on the beaches to hustle on the array of shops, this place will keep you on your toes and no matter how much you love it all during the day, you would always stay back to watch the dreamlike sunset here.   

Goa - India

The land of spices, seafood, spirituality and of course trance parties, this state in India has to be the point of cultural amalgamation. The laid back tropical vibe, the tinge of Indo-Portuguese lifestyle and its age old colonial architectures will etch beautiful memories in your soul. The nightlife and food here is definitely the experience of a lifetime.

Ho Chi Minh City - Vietnam

A concoction of pulsating city life and placidity of the countryside make this city in Vietnam almost impossible to miss if talking about budget traveling or even otherwise. Due to its significance in the Vietnam War, this has numerous museums and art galleries glorifying the past and being a treat to history amateurs. Also, Vietnam being the highest coffee exporter, this city will ensure you take back home its indigenous coffee and surely stop by for some on the way.

Tenerife Island - Spain

A jar of extraordinary cultural diversity, this is one of the most celebrated and populous island on the archipelago of seven Canary islands. The 'must visit' list if coming here would be really long - ranging from modern art galleries, temples, carnival celebrations, sandy beaches, tropical forests to sight seeing at the Pico del Teide, Spain's tallest snow mountain. 

Sharm El Sheikh - Egypt 

A resort town near the Red Sea is travelers' paradise. It is known for its coral reefs, sandy beaches, and exquisite resorts, this town never fails to impress, more so with all kinds of facilities ranging from water sports to desert safaris. Also, this place is a one-stop destination for shopping and entertainment.

Lima - Peru

Lying on the Pacific coast of Peru, this capital is the ever-growing metropolis. A rich union of past and present, one cannot miss its famous culinary variety and display of pottery and artworks. Standing above and along a long coastline of cliffs, veiled in history, and full of tasteful delights, this budget friendly city will always welcome you. 

Must Watch Video Of Dancing Matt!!!

What could be an ideal life? That's a big question, and everyone has their own answers. But for a true wanderer, the definition of an ideal life only starts with traveling.
Because we wanderers truly believe in this quote from Jon Krakauer which is, "Nothing is more damaging to the adventurous spirit within a man than a secure future."
Well, this guy Matt Harding is living his dream and so-called 'ideal life' by traveling around the world. He likes to call himself, "The Worst Professional Dancer." He is pretty famous for his "Where The Hell Is Matt" viral videos in which he dances with the crowd in front of various international landmarks. Because of his viral videos, he gets money from sponsors to travel around the world.
Watch this amazing video of dancing Matt which will make your day. I'm 110% sure that it will put a smile on your face.

That's why he calls himself, "The Worst Dancer".

Watch the video and thank me later.

Crazy Guys! Are You One Of Them?

"Jobs fill your pocket; Adventure feeds your soul" - Jaime Lyn Beatty.
People who love adventure will find it anyway. People who don't like it will miss it every day. Adventure sports are very famous around the world, and people spend an enormous amount of money in search of one wicked adventure.
There are people who lost their lives while performing such insane adventures, but we are all going to die someday, then why not make it worth remembering? 
Scroll below to see some jaw dropping adventurers in action!

This crazy guy knows how to make everything interesting.

He skates upside-down on dangerous roads.

2. Insane jump from this height.

This guy made an average jump look deadly! 

3. This guy is doing two dangerous things at the same time.

This is the height of taking the selfie, and see what happens when his girlfriend cheated him.

4. This water rocket is adventurous.

Flying in the air is old fashioned for him, he flies in the water. 

5. Can you jump from the boat like this?

This random guy jumped from the boat and still made it look insane.

6. OMG! I don't see them coming.

A bunch of some cool guys! Coming out of nowhere and jumping over to catch the ball.

7. What are they trying to prove?

Breath-taking action! 

8. He doesn't need anyone with him to enjoy the life.

This is not jumping, this is dying in the air while people drop their jaws!

9. How many of you think that this is real?

See their love in between of their surfing. 

10. Will he hit the pool or floor? 

He jumped into swimming pool in the most adventurous way possible!

Watch them all in action! right here, right now!

We bring you the compilation of the most mesmerizing, fantastic, insane, and what not type of adventurous people. They risk their lives for this fun! 

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