Wednesday 28 December 2016

Forbes Lends You An Easy Guide To The Cheapest Places To Travel In 2017

I know what you must be doing right now! Thinking of new year party plans!
But why to spend time thinking about it when there would be party planners for it. What you need to think over is for further plans of how you can make the most of your 2017 in the cheapest possible way.
You all must have heard about the myths of Tuesday being the best day to book flights and January being the cheapest month, but how long can you rely on these? How long would you wait for the good hotels to be booked at the right time of the year with supportive air fares?
Forbes, like every year, brings out numerous lists based on various parameters and here we are with the new list of Forbes which has listed the top cheapest places to visit in 2017.

1. The Mazatlan coast.

Why: The current exchange rate of Mexico is $1=20.69 Mexican pesos, which
makes it one of the most affordable destinations right now. If you are a frugal
traveller then mark Mazatlan in the first place. This place, being the capital of
Mexico offers you with a great food paradise which comprises of fresh dishes. 
Hotels in Mazatlan are not a part of huge chains and therefore are not expensive.
El Cid Marina has awesome huge rooms, great food and awesome pools which
are perfect for family trips. Also, one of the major reasons for its cuisine to be
cheap is because Sinaloa grows the bulk produce in Mexico itself.

2. On safari in South Africa.

Why: Although, the infrastructure in South Africa is well developed, and also it
is an established tourist destination, but the exchange rate is in our favour at
The initial months of 2017, could be easily spent in Cape Town. You will also be
supported by cheaper transportation and hotel expenses.
Since South Africa lies in the Southern Hemisphere, seasons are just opposite;
consider going in summer when the safari lodges will be even less expensive.
The best part of your visit to this place can be wine, since it would cost you less
than that of a soda can.


3. Sarah Greaves-Gabbadon in San Juan, Puerto Rico

Why: The best time to visit the Caribbean is at the end of April to mid-December
i.e in the low season. This place fits your budget and if you stay within the two-
square-mile radius of the old city, you won't even require rental cars to access
sightseeing and restaurants. 
Villa Herencia and Hotel Casa Blanca are two of the high-style hotels with low-
cost boutiques.

4. A Santiago cityscape, Chile

Why: Europe has always been at priority on everyone's list, plus the exchange
rate is more favourable than it has been in years, especially for the American
travellers. There is surprising German heritage, and it is also easy to rent a car
and explore the area. Santiago is known for its wine, vibrant food, hip hotels and
delicious tapas. You can explore volcanoes and go to the top of a volcano.

5. A waterfront taverna in Crete.

Why: With the e
conomic crisis in Greece and the U.S. dollar strong enough against the euro at 
present, it's the perfect time to visit the wonderful island of Crete. With locals who
 welcome tourists with open arms, you are bound to save a few dollars along with 
having a trip for the lifetime. This place is a foodie's dream come true. 

6. The affordable Riad Yasmine in Marrakech.

Why: For all the Morocco dream visitors, it is important for you to know that this
place is one of the most affordable places in Africa. Typical meals can cost you
ranging from $2.50 to $15 for two including appetisers, unlimited mint tea and
entree. Well, this place will also offer you with a large variety of vegetarian food
and with shopping to suit everyone's budget including leather handbags and
Riad Kheirredine will provide you with a cell phone to ensure your safety during
your stay, also a queen-like stay without even breaking your bank account.

7. Seaside in Belize.

Why: This place bestows upon you with its blend of modern and historical flavour,
 where you can plan your budget suiting romantic trip. Also, many four star hotels
offer such low rates which include bicycle on rents as well as Belize's local wines. 
Both, the oceanside Royal Caribbean Resort in San Pedro and George Hardie's Las
 Vegas Hotel in Corozal can be booked for under $100 per night, providing you
with cheap as well as delicious meals.

8. Boats sit in the harbor in Halong Bay, Vietnam.

Why: Vietnam with healthy food, upscale accommodations and beautiful sights is
a standout among the budget friendly locations in South Asia. The Tirant Hotel
in Hanoi allows you to take a room for less than about $70 a night. And the Hanoi
street food tour is not to be missed, with just $20 per person and a guide. A sip of
the steaming 'pho' noodle soup available in the restaurants, food stalls and
pushcarts is the takeaway of the trip.

9. Costa Rica landscape.

Why: Costing only a few dollars for entry, there are plenty of national parks to
explore which comprise of sloths, monkeys, macaws and tapirs. Corcovado and
Manuel Antonio National Parks being the best. The public transport is also very 
cheap in Cota Rica which enables you to travel between destinations with
affordable prices. The surf ride in Costa Rica can be as petty as $6 per person.
And the local dish "plato tipico" can be enjoyed at about $2-3.

10. Cliffside in Lagos, Portugal.

Why: The dollar being strong against euro at present, the landscapes of "California
 Highway 1 meets Tuscany" can be enjoyed within the budget. This place will also 
offer you with a bottle of port, a meal of the day and a glass of wine for around  
€5 each. Portugal has the most affordable travel in comparison to the rest of 
the Western Europe.

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